one word wow!!!!!!!! this has to be the best persian food experince i had ever had. great food great service and awsome prices. i had also being to a few other restruants like darband and baran. I really coundt belive wat i was seeing the manger had
Habayit the Only very good Kosher restaurant where i enjoyed my Holiday dinners. Hope i will be going there this holiday's too. Very good in reputation among my friends
i went there with my family i had fesenjan which i wont forget was the best fesenjan that i have had in my life the koobide was good as well and the service was so good i would come back to try other things
one word wow!!!!!!!! this has to be the best persian food experince i had ever had. great food great service and awsome prices. i had also being to a few other restruants like darband and baran. I really coundt belive wat i was seeing the manger had