Seattle Restaurant Guide

Bamboo Garden Vegetarian Cuisine

(206) 282-6616

364 Roy St, Seattle, WA 98109

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Dining Specials

Bengal Tiger Cuisine of India
Indian, Indian/Pakistan, Pakistani, Vegetarian
5  out of 5 stars
5|Best Indian food on the planet. Owner is also the chef, he can personalize anything to your taste...
Guanaco's Tacos Pupuseria
Chinese, Latin, Casual/Family, Fast Food

50% Off Dining Certificates at these locations...
American Traditional, Chinese, Thai, Casual/Family
4  out of 5 stars
American, American Traditional, German, Casual/Family Restaurant in
4  out of 5 stars
Waterfront Restaurant in

Reviews of Similar Restaurants

Best Indian food on the planet. Owner is also the chef, he can personalize anything to your taste. Menu has a wide variety of dishes. Service is quick and attentive. The prices are very reasonable. Was voted best Indian restaurant in Seattle by ...
Yes, I just gave Greenwood Mandarin Restaurant a perfect score! And it's well deserved, let me explain further... My fiance' Cassandra and I have been searching for a great Chinese restaurant in the Seattle area since we moved here from Wisconsin ...

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