In short the cuisine at this resturant is expertly rendered. I'd expect nothing less from the owner of several four star restaurants "Rachael's Cafe" in Lingstown and "Three Center Square" of Maytown. Cafe Campbelltown features the same great food without the pretensions and at prices everyone can afford. Harry and his son, Harry Jr. have done it again.
In short the cuisine at this resturant is expertly rendered. I'd expect nothing less from the owner of several four star restaurants "Rachael's Cafe" in Lingstown and "Three Center Square" of Maytown. Cafe Campbelltown features the same great food without the pretensions and at prices everyone can afford. Harry and his son, Harry Jr. have done it again.
In short the cuisine at this resturant is expertly rendered. I'd expect nothing less from the owner of several four star restaurants "Rachael's Cafe" in Lingstown and "Three Center Square" of Maytown. Cafe Campbelltown features the same great food without the pretensions and at prices everyone can afford. Harry and his son, Harry Jr. have done it again.