(425) 775-8196
23830 Hwy. 99, Edmonds, WA 98026
Diners want to enjoy good food and a wonderful time, but there is a notable benefit they can not overlook when dining at HKR.
Three main sauces HKR use come from fermented and matured soy beans. They are hot pepper & soybean paste, soybean paste, and seasoned & aged sauce. When it comes to soy sauce very few restaurants makes them in-house. Unlike off-the-shelf sauces other ethnic restaurants use, these sauces are meticulously made and aged with traditional recipes by HKR. This aging process give sauces lingering deep tastes and "craving for more" characteristic, which means "your body knows that you need this".For instance, the Duen-jaang HKR makes in house is known to have more conjugated linoleic acid, genistein, and other substances that are effective in preventing cancer, and this cancer preventing property of Duen-Jaang is being officially recognized by more and more health institutions and experts over the world. Substance found in duen-jaang have some other beneficial properties; they help prevent osteoporosis, suppress AIDS virus, restore and detoxify liver, alleviate headaches, lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and etc.
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