Bozeman Restaurant Guide

Johnny Carino's Country Italian
5 stars (1 ratings)

(406) 556-1332

Gallatin Centre, Bozeman, MT 59715

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Over the Tapas

Italian Food & Culture History

July 21, 2008 @ 3:31 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Helena, Montana
Went to Bozeman, Mt resturant on Friday 7/18/08.
We had bread, appetizer ( the mushrooms-absolutely outstanding) salad, 1/2 panini and fries and then the scrumptious Tiramasu.. I have a
friend that comes in from Palm Springs CA and we
do our annual trek to Johnny Carinos. We absolutely love the place. The food is too good.... Kudos to you and your staff...

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My wife had the wood fired pizza and I had the Salmon. Might be the best meal we both have had in years!!!!

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Avg Rating: 5  out of 5 stars

Number of Reviews: 1

July 21, 2008 @ 3:31 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Helena, Montana
Went to Bozeman, Mt resturant on Friday 7/18/08.
We had bread, appetizer ( the mushrooms-absolutely outstanding) salad, 1/2 panini and fries and then the scrumptious Tiramasu.. I have a
friend that comes in from Palm Springs CA and we
do our annual trek to Johnny Carinos. We absolutely love the place. The food is too good.... Kudos to you and your staff...
Read More Bozeman Restaurant Reviews

Johnny Carino's Country Italian Map

Recent Johnny Carino's Country Italian Reviews

July 21, 2008 @ 3:31 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Helena, Montana
Went to Bozeman, Mt resturant on Friday 7/18/08.
We had bread, appetizer ( the mushrooms-absolutely outstanding) salad, 1/2 panini and fries and then the scrumptious Tiramasu.. I have a
friend that comes in from Palm Springs CA and we
do our annual trek to Johnny Carinos. We absolutely love the place. The food is too good.... Kudos to you and your staff...