This is by far the best Chinese restaurant in Cambridge and possibly the whole Boston area (in close running with New Shanghai) The weekend dim sum is superb, no carts, just order rice pearls and small steamer buns off the menu!
a diner from Cambridge, MA
The food at Mary Chungs is EXCELLENT and the prices are great. The spicy food is VERY spicy but not in a generic way. My only complaint is that they don't take credit cards. Try the orange flavored chicked- it's like nothing else!
This is by far the best Chinese restaurant in Cambridge and possibly the whole Boston area (in close running with New Shanghai) The weekend dim sum is superb, no carts, just order rice pearls and small steamer buns off the menu!
a diner from Cambridge, MA
The food at Mary Chungs is EXCELLENT and the prices are great. The spicy food is VERY spicy but not in a generic way. My only complaint is that they don't take credit cards. Try the orange flavored chicked- it's like nothing else!
This is by far the best Chinese restaurant in Cambridge and possibly the whole Boston area (in close running with New Shanghai) The weekend dim sum is superb, no carts, just order rice pearls and small steamer buns off the menu!
a diner from Cambridge, MA
The food at Mary Chungs is EXCELLENT and the prices are great. The spicy food is VERY spicy but not in a generic way. My only complaint is that they don't take credit cards. Try the orange flavored chicked- it's like nothing else!