Koloa Restaurant Guide

Pattaya Asian Cafe
3.5 stars (1 ratings)

(808) 742-8818

2360 Kiahuna Plantation D, Koloa, HI 96756

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Dining Specials

Chalupas Kauai

4  out of 5 stars
a diner from Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Pad Thai at Pattaya's is fabulous. It is a must on my list of places to dine when we visit Kauai.

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Avg Rating: 4  out of 5 stars

Number of Reviews: 1

4  out of 5 stars
a diner from Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Pad Thai at Pattaya's is fabulous. It is a must on my list of places to dine when we visit Kauai.
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Recent Pattaya Asian Cafe Reviews

4  out of 5 stars
a diner from Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Pad Thai at Pattaya's is fabulous. It is a must on my list of places to dine when we visit Kauai.