Monroe Restaurant Guide

Monroe Restaurant Reviews

Displaying 21 - 24 of 24
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Excellent Mostacolli Caserole. Im not a big fan of the pizza, but that's just me. It seems everyone else enjoys it alot. If they did a little redecorating this would be a top notch restaurant. It's been exactly the same since the first day I walked in the place 13 years ago.
5 star(s)
well everything there was beautiful a very nice pond a great bar, and very clean tables. Eggrolls were amazing. ANd the service was the best
3 star(s)
Owner is confused. He thinks that chicken thighs are part of the "White Meat".
Great Breakfast place any time of the day. Eggs and potatoes, blueberry pancakes, country fried steak and eggs special. Besquits and gravt are only so-so. Generous portions of comfortsble breakfast foods. I've never gottem beyond breakfast, but my over 21 sons love the generous wrapped sandwiches an...