The greatest place for pho in the whole Las Vegas area ! Try the spring rolls , it's the best ! This place can't get any better :)
This place was nicely decorated and was open 24 hours a day. Those were the pluses for me. I can't completely judge this place since I was there just for a snack and dessert. However what I did have was subpar for a city like Las Vegas. The spring ro...
Several times I have bought their to go food that was old. I suspect they leave the food out for the whole day and then sell it the next day. I will never give them my business again. The food smelled old and sour. Their employees, the owner a...
7365 W Sahara Ave., Las Vegas
(702) 778-7731
For those looking to enhance their tastes with selections of traditional food from Southwest Asia, Lili's Thai & Vietnamese is the perfect place to go in Las Vegas. Open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner, this excellent restaurant provides a quite, ...