There is something about authentic Mexican cuisine that gets the taste budsgoing and lets the appetite run wild. Zia Taqueria offers diners warmhospitality and mouth-watering cuisine that will not easily be forgotten.Bring your family and friends, pull up a chair, indulge in a tasty Margaritaand catch up after a long week at the office. No matter what the occasioncalls for or your appetite demands, the friendly staff at Zia Taqueriawon't let you leave without a smile on your face. The menu features classicfavorites and modern adaptations to a culinary tradition that has madeMexico a favorite culinary destination.
Whether you're looking for a safe haven from the fast food chains of Americaor in need of a meal that will tempt your cravings, Zia Taqueria willnot let you leave unsatisfied.
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