Cocoa Restaurant Guide & Dining Reviews

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“I had been a regular at Cara Mia Riverside Grill 3 years ago, I worked in the Village. I loved the Pasta Fagiol soup, along with everything else they had. We got lunch to go and had all our parties they after work. ...
“Visited several times and it is always Good Food, Good Service, Great Atmosphere. Highly Reccomended.
“John W & family... I'm proud of you. Great job. Keep it up! ~Jess. Welles-Schaaff
“Heard about their "fried green tomatoes" served anytime! Went once and came back again... they are delicious! Service was great! Will definitely return!
“The only thing I really miss while I'm not living in FL is the FOOD! One of my favorite places is the Lone Cabbage...last time I was there it was still in the middle of "nowhere". My kind of ambience. To say that ...
“used to live in kissimmee, and when i was a kid growing up in florida i went to lone cabbage at least two times a week. From getting all of the other kids together and fishing with bamboo poles to just looking at w...
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