23 Union Square, Somerville
(617) 666-9770
The food at India Palace is North Indian with a Punjabi influence. As you walk into the restaurant, you get a sense of a peaceful, serene setting to have a meal. The food is not a contemporary or a fusion trend of Indian Cuisine; it's a traditional ...
120 Washington Street, Somerville
(617) 623-3696
In April 1999, the first Cafe Belo was born: a self-service "Churrascaria," offering a variety of meats. Slowly but surely the "pay your food by the kilo" concept started hitting Boston.Today, Cafe Belo is proud to offer their customers larger restau...
Hindus joins his or her hands with palms to greet another person a friend or acquaintance, to pay respect to an elder, a holy person or a temple deity or a together, bows down in front of the other person, and says Namaskar, Namaste, or Pranam - mean...
414 Washington Street, Somerville
(617) 354-4996
Way back in the 14th century, the Moguls invaded Hindukush, "the land of milk, honey, and other rich treasures." In return, they left behind a trail of destruction, and well, the kebab. The kebab was, at the time, just meat sprinkled with ...