(864) 235-1234
220 North Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601
Appetizers - Round up your coworkers and join us for appetizers and drinks. Stop by for a late afternoon lunch. Mix it up with All American Sliders, Beefy Layered Nachos or Commons Homemade Potato Chips & Dipping Sauces.
Fine Wines, Cocktails and more - Find respite from a steamy summer day with a chilled Sauvignon Blanc or a microbrew. Do as the French, and linger over a fine Bordeaux as the world goes about its business. Deviate from your usual, and allow our bartender to mix up a refreshing margarita or daiquiri.
Hyatt Regency Greenville is serving our new house wine, Canvas, developed in partnership with Folio Winemakers Studio, owned and operated by the famed Mondavi family.
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