419 O'Farrell St, San Francisco
(415) 776-6717
Marrakech has been highly acclaimed by critics who have praised the fine cuisine, the considerate service and the authentic Moroccan atmosphere. Truly, Moroccan dining without compromise. Marrakech is an exotic Moroccan restaurant in San Francisco th...
1303 Polk Street, San Francisco
(415) 345-9947
SF Weekly says - At Aicha, a modest new Moroccan restaurant on Polk Street, you'll get all the highlights you'd find on the menus of fancier North African places around town - garlicky dips; b'stilla, a pie stuffed with chicken; long-stewed tagines s...
3119 Clement St., San Francisco
(415) 751-2312
3122 16th St, San Francisco
(415) 553-8966
Corner Restaurant 1899 Mission St, San Francisco
(415) 420-2486