Spartanburg Restaurant Guide

Old Country Buffet
4.7 stars (1 ratings)

(864) 587-6057

1450 Wo Ezell Blvd # 900, Spartanburg, SC 29301

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May 30, 2009 @ 12:11 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Titusville, FL
Wonderful place to get tastey, home cooked meals. Have been eating there for 10 years. was last there, 18 months ago. Planning on going by there today to check out again. - May 2009

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Avg Rating: 5  out of 5 stars

Number of Reviews: 1

May 30, 2009 @ 12:11 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Titusville, FL
Wonderful place to get tastey, home cooked meals. Have been eating there for 10 years. was last there, 18 months ago. Planning on going by there today to check out again. - May 2009
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Recent Old Country Buffet Reviews

May 30, 2009 @ 12:11 PM
5  out of 5 stars
a diner from Titusville, FL
Wonderful place to get tastey, home cooked meals. Have been eating there for 10 years. was last there, 18 months ago. Planning on going by there today to check out again. - May 2009