scenic view Restaurants in boulder city, nv

scenic view Restaurants in boulder city, nv

1 scenic-view restaurant listing found.
Milo's Best Cellars
Brewery/Pub/Tavern, Bistro, Banquet/Party Room, Bar

538 Nevada Highway, Boulder City

(702) 293-9540


Milo's Best Cellars is the biggest thing that has happened to Boulder City since Bob Broadbent emancipated the town from the feds. People even come from over the Pass to spend a few hours at this cozy, well-stocked and friendly new place. Unlike the ...

Lastest Review

4  out of 5 stars

My wife & myself had the pleasure of using milo's along with 7 other family members on the 12th of February, we found everything to be fantastic & will make sure we visit when we are next in town Good luck to everyone at Milo's. Lynn & Andy Tom...

1 scenic-view restaurant listing found.
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