(336) 379-9414
2415 A Lawndale Drive, Greensboro, NC 27403
When you come inside you will find many aspects you fondly remember about the original location, from popular menu offerings such as the famous Cream of Tomato Basil Soup, Tribecca Sandwich, Reference Burger, Grilled Salmon with Cucumber Dill Sauce, Chocolate Walnut Pie, seasonal items, house-made desserts, fresh daily seafood and chalkboard specials, to the ever-changing collection of eclectic artwork featuring local artists, tables that easily pull together for friends and family, and staff members whose faces you will recognize, even a few veterans from when we originally opened 25 years ago!
Patrons will also discover some new additions, including a fresh, modern, and more spacious seating arrangement, a private dining area able to accommodate small to medium-sized groups (meetings, weddings, parties), a patio dining area, John's dream kitchen, plenty of parking, and larger washrooms!Southern Lights Bistro is located in the southeast corner of The Shops at Kirkwood Shopping Center where Roosters Gourmet was previously located. Access to the restaurant is located off Lawndale Drive or Battleground Avenue via Markland Drive.
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