235 Holland St, Somerville
(617) 629-7567
256 Elm Street, Somerville
(617) 623-9910
9 Davis Sq., Somerville
(617) 628-2379
Hindus joins his or her hands with palms to greet another person a friend or acquaintance, to pay respect to an elder, a holy person or a temple deity or a together, bows down in front of the other person, and says Namaskar, Namaste, or Pranam - mean...
102 Washington St, Somerville
(781) 823-1773
400 Highland St, Somerville
(617) 625-4200
76 Middlesex Ave, Somerville
(617) 623-2992
414 Washington Street, Somerville
(617) 354-4996
Way back in the 14th century, the Moguls invaded Hindukush, "the land of milk, honey, and other rich treasures." In return, they left behind a trail of destruction, and well, the kebab. The kebab was, at the time, just meat sprinkled with ...